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 Post subject: Sorcerer King stats/legendary actions?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:26 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:42 pm
Posts: 38
Location: The Big Fort, Indiana
Greetings all~
The group I am GMing has reached 16th level and has defeated the BBEG. I gave them a break, and asked them if they wanted to retire or keep going. Keep going was the answer, so we had another session 0 to let them discuss what they wanted to do. And of course they choose to go after the S.K.

I can create NPCs all day long, but it is legendary actions that get me. What legendary actions would S.K. have? Thoughts?

Many thanks in advance.

A.Dustin Reid


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 Post subject: Re: Sorcerer King stats/legendary actions?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:44 am 
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They want to what?!? LOL. There are a lot of epic level guys running around Onara and they don't attack the Sk on his Isle. LOSHNEK doesn't attack the SK on his Isle.... I'm glad this is your campaign to worry about!

I do have a couple of thoughts that might be helpful:

(1)If you have the new 5e Ssethregore book, they have stats for Ss'Koreth who isn't a bad starting point for trying to build stats for the Sorcerer King. I suspect that the SK probably wins in a cage match between the two, but probably not by much. Ss'Koreth is a CR: 25 legendary creature.

(2)Some possible Legendary powers:

*Casts a spell or cantrip of 3rd level or less
*Moves w/o provoking opportunity attacks (temporal shenanigans)
*physical attack w/forced movement against a PC (In addition to bad assert as a spell caster he's also supposed to be as ripped as Conan)
*(2 Actions) Dominating Gaze. Creature within 10' the Sk can see makes a save or is dominated for 1 minute. Creature can make saves at the end of each of its turns

(3) I would spend some time thinking about what kind of magical items the SK has at his disposal. He runs a country of mages and if his stats have a "weak spot" he probably has an item to cover it...

(4) Like Manetas the SK probably can't be fought by ordinary mortals outside of exceptional conditions (poisoned by the venom of a Daughter of Yig on the Spike of Eternity...). I would suggest you send your players on a McMuffin quest to retrieve something that's going to weaken him enough for them to attack.

Good luck!

Eric Gorman

AKA Ambassador Tukufu, man of letters, tomb raider and Master Sword Sage
. . . and Sir Szymon val'Holryn, Order of the Phoenix
Formerly Sir Jaeger val'Holryn. Weilder of the Holy Avenger: Thonanos. Gave his soul to help free King Noen

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 Post subject: Re: Sorcerer King stats/legendary actions?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:17 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:46 pm
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My inclination is to simply say, don't stat him. If you give him stats that implies that the PCs can find a way to beat him in a straight up fight and I just don't see that happening. What I would suggest considering is to handle it in the same way a bunch of other of Arcanis' epic stories have been resolved. The PCs are critical to getting pieces in place and tipping the balance in the favor of the outcome that they're looking for.

If you went this way, arguably the PCs over time would need to determine who/what is capable of defeating the SK, a being who is immortal, who imprisoned an Avatar, helped experiment on a Valinor and used that to experiment on himself, who took on all the Myrantian Necromancer Lords, the Eurynellian Mages, etc. I would think it would take multiple True Dragons / Valinors to have a chance which raises the question of what's in it for them. ALTERNATIVELY if you wanted to do it with a twist, the SK seeks godhood, claiming all arcane casters are his domain. If he achieved his goal, you could argue he'd leave the mundane world behind to take his proper place in the universe, called to help Illir and the others deal with threats that they alone are powerful enough to have a hope against. Arguably he'd leave a priesthood behind, but if he succeeded he wouldn't need those he'd enslaved anymore. This opens up a lot of adventures around steps, information and items needing to achieve godhood with the expectation that they will be carefully and jealously guarded.

In terms of actual mechanics, I'm not a 5E guy, so I'll defer to Eric and others to provide reasonable guidance. Just thought I'd provide some alternative means and stories to an end.

With a sweep of his hat,


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