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 Post subject: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:11 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:45 pm
Posts: 639
Parts of this area of the Trade district was turned to rubble when the Chimeria got loose. Where it not for the heroic mental might of a reluctant adventurer, who knows how much damage would have been caused? Regardless, the events of these past few weeks are behind us. Most of the rubble has been cleared. But it will be awhile before trade resumes at its notorious clip. It is here, in the early hours of the morning a group of legionnaires go door to door during curfew, to check on the health of the populace, while the blue cloaks patrol against the looting of nights’ past.

“Sir, your retired. Why are you going around knocking on doors with those of us on the front line.” Asked a respectfully indignant medicos auxiliary trooper of his former Tribune. “More importantly why are we walking around two hours before first light knocking on doors”

“Well, Medicus, we have a duty to make certain the civilians are safe and well cared for, healed of their wounds, and assured fresh water,” replied Luminous Volumous val Assanante. “After all the Emperor wants to make certain his new charges are healthy.”

“I understand that. But I remind you, Sir, your retired,” the medico’s indigence seams to have moved to concern.

“Ah good man, I am retired from the Legion. However, I remain the Emperors servant. Besides, my duty is to the health of the populous and that is a duty that I will never be relieved from. Now do you have any other questions, Medico?”

“Well, sir, since you gave me the opportunity to ask….”

“Go on Medico’s.”

“Why is it four in the morning, and you are walking around lit up like a human torch?”

“Ah yes, you are referring to the Continual Light Spell on my Armor? Well I need to see.”

“But why not place the spell on something, less, um obvious? You know like a lantern?”

As if it was an obvious answer, “Medico’s this way I keep my hands free”

The curious Tribune and his former subordinate proceeded to walk down the street. Whereon Luminous catches eye of an odd sight. Despite battle, unrest, and looting, one building stands as a firm bulwark against the chaos.

“Medico, what building is this?”

“Sir, according to the map, it is Litera Scripta Manet. Says here Ambassador Tukufu runs it. If you ask me it is in an odd place for an embassy. Folks say it is haunted...”

“Haunted! BAH! I see no signs of that,” replied the Tribune. “Medico, go on knock on the door.”

“No. Sir. As you were sir," replied the auxiliary.

“WHAT!!” Luminous raises a hand to slap the auxiliary upside the head. Then, as if remembering he no longer has that authority catches himself. “Fine, I’ll ring the bell myself.” Luminous pulls the cord. The cord loosens a barrel of bricks on the roof which, promptly, comes crashing down on the Tribune, nocking the arrogant former officer to his feet in a pile of rubble. A gong rings true, trumpets blast, and the Blue Cloaks are close behind.

“Sir, I tried to tell you, folks say the place is haunted….but it is just well trapped. Oh sir, you know what the trumpet means. Formation. I’ve got to go. I trust you can heal your own wounds.” With that, the medicos executes a sharp about face and double times to the marketplace.

Eric Hughes

There once was a gnome called Oozy,
Who kissed a Yaricite floozy.
But rather than wed,
She drowned him instead,
Now he is a Yaricite toosey!

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 Post subject: Re: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:17 am 
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Across the street, concealed in the shadows of an alley, a hooded and cloaked figure watched the antics of the hapless former Tribune.

Michael T. Hebert

Haakon val'Ishi, Beltinian Exorcist 2.7 [Divine]
Ursula val'Holryn, Grand Master of the Tralian Hammer 2.2 [Martial]
Arun of Tultipet, Holy Champion of Neroth 1.10 [Expert]
Rikitsa val'Holryn, Psion 1.9 [Arcane]

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 Post subject: Re: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:48 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:45 pm
Posts: 639
"By the light of Illiir, show thyself!" With a flick of his bleeding wrist, Luminous causes everything within the area, including the hidden, but snickering, thief in the night to softly glow an iridescent orange. "Best not be hidden when the Blue Cloaks arrive, else they will cite you for breaking curfew."

Eric Hughes

There once was a gnome called Oozy,
Who kissed a Yaricite floozy.
But rather than wed,
She drowned him instead,
Now he is a Yaricite toosey!

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 Post subject: Re: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:57 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:37 pm
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I seriously doubt that any of the rumored traps in this store would be designed to hurt potential buyers standing at the front door. Especially bricks from 2-3 stories up. That could easily be fatal.

Though people rude enough to ring the bell at 4 am? Maybe.... Especially since the owner has become so grouchy lately...

AKA Kavaris, awakened "Human" from the Hinterlands, psionic transmutation specialist, adventurer, and no one important

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 Post subject: Re: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:03 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:45 pm
Posts: 639
It is amazing what sort of ends a scribe will go to protect his books from late night arsonists. See earlier threads from Oozejumper.

Eric Hughes

There once was a gnome called Oozy,
Who kissed a Yaricite floozy.
But rather than wed,
She drowned him instead,
Now he is a Yaricite toosey!

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 Post subject: Re: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:22 pm 
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Belatedly there is noise inside Litera Scripta Manet. Sounds of steps descending stairs. Some grumbling. Maybe cursing. It's hard to hear exactly what's going on behind the heavy doors at the front.

You can hear a bar being removed from the doors.

One opens.

An Altherian, Tukufu, looks out. He's dressed and armed. Despite a certain bleariness around his eyes it's clear he wasn't in bed. He looks at the pile of debris. "What a mess." Looks next at the Coryani. Looks around. Looks back at the Coryani.

"I trust you can explain why you're dumping bricks ... after curfew ... in front of my shop?"

Eric Gorman

AKA Ambassador Tukufu, man of letters, tomb raider and Master Sword Sage
. . . and Sir Szymon val'Holryn, Order of the Phoenix
Formerly Sir Jaeger val'Holryn. Weilder of the Holy Avenger: Thonanos. Gave his soul to help free King Noen

Last edited by val Holryn on Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:44 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:45 pm
Posts: 639
"Standard proceedure after a battle. Make certain that the civilians are safe and cared for. Seams to me that your used to defending yourself. Names Luminous Volumous val Assante. Might explain why your building is largely unharmed."

Eric Hughes

There once was a gnome called Oozy,
Who kissed a Yaricite floozy.
But rather than wed,
She drowned him instead,
Now he is a Yaricite toosey!

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 Post subject: Re: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:11 am 
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"Tukufu. I own Litera Scripta Manet."

"So. Standard operating procedure? To make a mess with bricks? ... Nevermind. It's too late. Or early. Something. Are you with Hecktor and the Legion of Honorable Accord?" A scowl steals over Tukufu's face, "Or...Well you don't look like you're old enough to be in .... Nevermind."

"As for taking care of ourselves...after ul'Tang Jackass was cut down, the fighting mostly played out to the west. Or north in the Pearl. Though given that half my employees are ex Shining Patrol any 'small scale' problems would tend to end with a bullet. We pride ourselves here on our professionalism. But also on our advantageous flintlock to troublemaker ratio."

"So...was there anything I could help you with? Bedside reading? Maybe something dry to tedious? To help you fall asleep? Like a normal person should be doing?"

Eric Gorman

AKA Ambassador Tukufu, man of letters, tomb raider and Master Sword Sage
. . . and Sir Szymon val'Holryn, Order of the Phoenix
Formerly Sir Jaeger val'Holryn. Weilder of the Holy Avenger: Thonanos. Gave his soul to help free King Noen

Last edited by val Holryn on Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 6:53 am 
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Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:34 am
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Eric Hughes wrote:
"By the light of Illiir, show thyself!" With a flick of his bleeding wrist, Luminous causes everything within the area, including the hidden, but snickering, thief in the night to softly glow an iridescent orange. "Best not be hidden when the Blue Cloaks arrive, else they will cite you for breaking curfew."

Not. Going. To. Happen. One he's in the shadows minding his own business being quiet (no snickering going on simply watching you). Second you are distracted/occupied by all those bricks that just fell on you. So no you don't know I'm there. Plus I bet my stealth beats your perception in any case. Just sayin' :)

Besides I may be a friend looking out for you...or not. Either way I've made no threatening moves. Hitting me with magic like that might be perceived as a threat...and actions have consequences...

So let's keep this friendly shall we? :)

Michael T. Hebert

Haakon val'Ishi, Beltinian Exorcist 2.7 [Divine]
Ursula val'Holryn, Grand Master of the Tralian Hammer 2.2 [Martial]
Arun of Tultipet, Holy Champion of Neroth 1.10 [Expert]
Rikitsa val'Holryn, Psion 1.9 [Arcane]

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 Post subject: Re: Patroling outside Litera Scripta Manet
PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:54 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:45 pm
Posts: 639
val Holryn wrote:
"Tukufu. I own Litera Scripta Manet."

"So. Standard operating procedure? To make a mess with bricks? ... Nevermind. It's too late. Or early. Something. Are you with Hecktor and the Legion of Honorable Accord?" A scowl steals over Tukufu's face, "Or...Well you don't look like you're old enough to be in the Radient Glory."

"As for taking care of ourselves...after ul'Tang Jackass was cut down, the fighting mostly played out to the west. Or north in the Pearl. Though given that half my employees are ex Shining Patrol any 'small scale' problems would tend to end with a bullet. We pride ourselves here on our professionalism. But also on our advantageous flintlock to troublemaker ratio."

"So...was there anything I could help you with? Bedside reading? Maybe something dry to tedious? To help you fall asleep? Like a normal person should be doing?"

"LIke a normal person? Good sir, why I am perfectly normal!" The tribunes seams oblivious to the fact that is is 4:30 am, he is glowing like a torch, covered in broken bricks and bleeding from a head wound.

"Now, sir, in answer to your question, I don't read much at bed time, for the Canticle of Light is all I need to drift blissfully away to the heavenly solidtude. Nothing like a good prayer, and clean living to help a man along in this world." As he says this he nurses a strong smelling drink of Kitani rice wine, which could clearly sanitize the foulest of wounds. "Now as for my military experiance, I just mustered out of the Legion of Heaven's Blade. I'd tell you more about that post, but I took a sarishan oath to kill anybody that comes by that knowlage without appropriate clearances. Personally I'd prefer to not trigger the curse of the oath breaker, and well, you seam like a nice enough chap. That and you have me considerably out gunned. So rather than regal you with tall tales, can I ply you with a hangover cure?"

Eric Hughes

There once was a gnome called Oozy,
Who kissed a Yaricite floozy.
But rather than wed,
She drowned him instead,
Now he is a Yaricite toosey!

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