Paradigm Concepts

Tourist's Guide to Arcanis
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Author:  One-eye [ Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:48 am ]
Post subject:  Tourist's Guide to Arcanis

I'm running a home campaign through the first 6 years of hard points, with generous editorial trimming to jam the most exceptional story arcs in. But it can't all be intense story all the way . . . a little vacation is in order!

I'm looking for times that the Arcanis writers turned it to 11, exposing the gloriously epic world of Arcanis!

For example, what's the first module I took this group on when I took the reigns over on an existing campaign? Drinking Deeply from the Chalice of Midnight*.

But, damn, there are a LOT of modules that I have not played, let alone read through during my hiatus.

What I am looking for:
- A stack ranked list of the most amazing Soft Point modules.
- A short blurb on what makes this module amazeballs.

Your time and ceaseless passion for this world is appreciated in advance!

Joe Ipsen
- One-eye. The one-eyed and one-armed Gnome that learned that the forces of entropy don't care how sympathetic you may be to them while they lay fetal, incarcerated in cages of Illiir's Light.

* - To capture the alien nature of the other realm, I queue the music, turn the lights off and bathe the room in a fire and ice led spotlight left over from halloween, and just ordered some super cheap silk flame torches to mount on the wall and on the table. I then read the description of the infernal hordes being led by a fallen valinor, cum Demon Prince fighting the forces of Entropy.

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