Hello Eric,
Glad you (mostly) liked it.
val Holryn wrote:
That said here is where I have 5 nits to pick:
Where is House N'sai? There's been ONE Kio family that has repeatedly appeared in the modules set in Metra and the League, but there's not a peep of them anywhere. IMHO N'sai deserved a paragraph under the Houses.
I honestly forgot about them. Looking at the layout, I don't have the space to fit them in without cutting another House.
Where are the fallen Kio Wraith lords? After the BI at Seremas I feel like we should have something on them.
The Kio Wraith Lords were recently revealed, as you noted. I try to write the source material up to, but not including the events occurring in the new campaign. While I would have loved to write about them, I was blocked due to that (self-imposed) restriction.
Here's a good one: We get *multiple* references to the importance of Kio swords in their culture. We are reminded again that Kio will go to almost any lengths to retrieve heirloom swords. We get a new swordless flaw that's kinda cool. We get some beautiful art of their swords...but we then learn that there are 9 *Legendary* swords handed to to the val'Sungha from the True Kio at the founding of the League of Princes. And that 2 have since been lost. But ... we don't learn their names, or how they were lost?!?. Barring something extraordinary, I bet those two stories get retold over and over (and over) again like the Greeks told the Illiad and the Oddessy over and over again. I am sure the court of Caphara risks going nuts every time a decent rumor surfaces of their current fate. I wish WE had something of those stories.
To be frank, it was a matter of space. The book was promised as a 32 page book and budgeted as such, and then it ballooned to 66 pages and with it, the accompanying increase in costs. I also wanted to add a 'Who's Who' section, but couldn't afford to do so.
Trade and the flow of goods bothers me. Why the Shadow Towns are so wealthy doesn't really make sense to me. I think I've become more sensitive to this issue since the Blessed Lands book which also didn't make sense to me. I think the Shadow Towns got short thrift. Who rules them? What do they trade? In the real world, as I understand it, the most important and lucrative trade routes involved (1) silk (aka the Silk Road), (2) incense (up from the East Coast of Africa to middle East and beyond), (3) Salt (not as sexy, but called white gold for a reason), (4) Spices & (5) precious goods (gold, ivory, gems). In Arcanis we can also add Blast Powder. None of those fit with what is written in the Kio book? Finished goods? Are they better than dwarven or Altharian manufacture? Agricultural goods? Tastier than what's grown in Balantica? As written I don't know what the Shadow towns have that everybody wants. And it also doesn't seem like they are the middlemen between some kind of trade circuit between Seremas and Coryan. That might also have made sense.
I didn't go into the Shadow Towns because this is a kio-centric book. I had to touch on the undir, the val'Bausicz, and others because of their impact on the kio, but this book was never designed to be a travelogue of the Western Lands.
I also, constitutionally, have nits to pick with retcons. I don't like the changes to LlylifelI. (A) I don't like retcons in general. (B) In part because I had a back up character that was a Llylifellen Kio bard in the original campaign (Glynnwheir or Glynn to friends) ... he followed the ideas of elemental spirits and was proud of his homeland's great Cathedral on the Plains of Blood that was build on the orders of (the presumably Kio) King Malikar. That's now apparently erased. Although the new stuff has cool parts, I'm not 100% comfortable with that. (C) Elements of the "new LlyllifelI don't make sense. Since they have almost zero ability to project power outside their borders (as per the revisions), it doesn't make sense that the Shadow Towns pay tribute to them. Why would they? What do they get in return? Given that Llylifel enjoys trade with Entaris and gets tribute from the Shadow Towns, why is it described as poor? It seems like there should be a lot of cash moving around.
Retcons. I'm not a fan of it either, but in this case, I didn't have much of a choice based on what I wrote about the undir. Let's be honest, the undir were bland and boring. Humans with webbed fingers and with a greater lung capacity. Not terribly exciting. So, I came up with this cultural schism and voodoo-vibe that, IMO, makes them much more interesting.
Having done that, the whole elemental worship thing didn't jive, so that had to be changed. In exchange, players gained a different take on them, plus that crazy King Crow Warped One stuff that you just know will be rearing its ugly head.
Anyway, that's why I did what I did.
Thank you for reading the book and giving feedback. Good, bad, or indifferent, it's always useful and appreciated!