vandom43 wrote:
Fighters get bonus Ability Score Increases at level 6 and 14, and Rogues get a bonus ASI at level 14. Can Bonus ASIs be used to increase your Blood Rank, instead of an ASI or getting a Feat?
Okay. Think I remember after re-reading the books. Bloodranks are not feats (for all that they act like them). And the text of the elorii says...
Page 18 of the Players Codex wrote:
If you would receive the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class at 4th level, or at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you may increase your Blood Rank by 1 instead of increasing your ability scores. Your Blood Rank maximum is 5
The Vals entry has the exact same paragraph.
So. I conclude that you cannot use the ASI increases from classes.