Paradigm Concepts

What are your pregame rituals?
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Author:  archangel [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  What are your pregame rituals?

Since I haven't gotten to play in a while I've begun looking at how I get ready to play in a bit of a more detached manor. I've looked back and seen that for virtually every character I've ever played in most any game system I've had the same ritual just before we start playing. Aside from the obvious get a drink/snack to make sure I don't have to get up for a while during game I would also sit down and just review my character sheet while listening to that character's theme song. For me a character theme song is just that one song that puts you in that character's head every time.

Some previous examples of these would be a Paladin/Knight character had Johnny Cash's version of "Won't back down", while a soldier I played was "Hell March" from the Redalert 2(video game) Soundtrack, and Prodigy's "Fire Starter" for a mage with a predilection for using fire.

So the question becomes what is your ritual for getting your head in the game and your character?

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