Paradigm Concepts

Does the Magi Ebon Blade do extra damage?
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Author:  DevM [ Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Does the Magi Ebon Blade do extra damage?

In the Shattered Lands book the Ebon blade spell does 1d8 damage. The Magi archetype says that the Magi can create a heavy two handed blade. But these properties do not convey any kind of improvement on the blade. So, what's the point? Does it just allow me to create a greatsword that does 1d8 damage?

Author:  val Holryn [ Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does the Magi Ebon Blade do extra damage?

Hi DevM,

If you have feats or class abilities that interact with heavy weapons, then there would be an advantage to creating an ebon blade with those features (for example to access a fighting school that uses a heavy blade). I'ts arguably that you could create a glaive which would have reach...or perhaps another bladed weapon with other qualities. But as written, as I understand it, there is no other damage benefit from choosing one form over another. (OTOH your ebon sword as short sword (or dagger) still does 1d8 so its an advantage there.)

For most casters I don't think there will be a big advantage to creating ebon greatswords.

As an aside I would note that the Magi archetype is not all that subtle. Your black weapons and armor are a Big neon sign to Ymandrakes in the area that you are an arcane caster. Doubly so when your kit appear out of nowhere. Elorii (and val'Sungha) in Entaris & the League of Princes may not care - Ymandragore's influence there is limited. But it's a different story in the First City and "the Known World."


Author:  DevM [ Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does the Magi Ebon Blade do extra damage?

Thank you for your input Eric. I am reading through the book just trying to understand all the class potentials before I build a character. I am well aware of the stigma on Arcane casters in the Shattered Lands. I am still trying to wrap your mind around it. I understand the role-playing opportunities the Arcane ban can provide. But, it makes meander why even have Arcane classes if they are going to be so hard to play?
Anyway, thank you again for your take on Ebon Blade.

Author:  Southernskies [ Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does the Magi Ebon Blade do extra damage?

DevM wrote:
But, it makes meander why even have Arcane classes if they are going to be so hard to play?

Raw, unadulterated power. Arcane casters can be the nastiest thing around (at least until Strain and the Wasting Disease or Harvesting catches up). :twisted:

Arcane casters can create their own Advanced spells (something Divine casters can't) and have access to some of the most devastating combat spells available. :mrgreen:

Author:  val Holryn [ Thu Dec 13, 2018 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does the Magi Ebon Blade do extra damage?

LOL were talking the 5E version. Not ARP. Though really the answer is still the same...

....Raw unadulterated power. And not just raw spell power. Arcane casters are not part a temple/church hierarchy that imposes values (and scrutiny from superiors). They arguably have the widest range of combat powers and are free to mix and match as they personally see fit. No one else has that freedom. Even Psion have to snowed to their Val families.

But Arcane casters have their own problems. They have to dodge Ymandragore. In the wilds or in a dungeon? Usually no big deal. In a city? Can be a serious problem.

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