With recent events, I'm starting to collate a list.
Confirmed: Halashtu (Fire Giant) - Paragon of Nier Leonydes val'Virdan - ex-Paragon of Nier Elandre is the Paragon of Illiir. Meliros is the Paragon of Belisarda Ss’Koreth is the Paragon of Nayal
Suspected: Matias - Paragon of Beltine ul'Zheng Po - Paragon of Hurrian Merik val'Cessari - Paragon of Lianni
Other: Calmemnon - a really naughty boy Sarkelios, the Emperor of Fire
_________________ LARG; Astra Tonsoria Ursula val¤Dellanov, Martial Former Tribune, Centurion Sword Sage II, T3.4 LA:5E; Magdelene of Ostermann, Dark-kin Courtesan Rog3(Bard)/HC2 (future twilight warrior) LRC:OP; Seraphina "Flowerchild" Amakiir, Skill Hero
Last edited by Southernskies on Fri Apr 15, 2022 10:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.