Added the series to my que last night. I recognized a lot of the topics, but plenty that I'd like to watch.
Dace wrote:
They fought the Romans and apparently delivered one of their worst defeats. They would use hit and run tactics during the day and then at night paint their faces black and hit the Romans again. just off the top of my head, you could make them a legion of warriors that bound themselves to dark powers and now live on as revenants that can be summoned by certain rites (animist or witchcraft, maybe diabolist or necromancy too). The can only manifest at night, move silently, and are invulnerable to iron and steel weapons. I'd probably make them threat 3 minions just so you could throw scores of them at the players without the guilt or bookkeeping. The leader I would give the summon hordes story power with the ultimate master price. Probably the apparition power to, just to ensure he would be extra annoying. Aside from limiting their activity to night, I would give them blocked from the world or some business. Imagine a pocket dimension in the Invisible World were they fight an endless battle against undead legions of centurions. Now throw the PCs into the middle of that for fun.