PCI Eric wrote:
The Native American book is complete except for: A title, Cover Art, two 1/4 page pieces of B&W interior art, and two 1/2 page pieces of color interior art.
Orders of Solomon is largely compiled unless I decide to expand it. I haven't made a decision either way but will soon.
Please expand away! We're going into our third year where half or more of the releases are updates from the last edition. I appreciate the conversions but I'm eager for new ideas and material.
There is an Aztecs conversion to complete, along with a 3-part adventure conversion companion piece
Very eager to hear more about the Aztec Empire adventure. Is there a teaser or blurb you can share yet?
We have a completed set of LARP rules as well. These will permit easy conversion of tabletop characters, and I intend to weave LARP events into any storied
I thought those were being done by a third party? Did something change?
Stand by for exciting news about the Revelations campaign
Standing by…