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 Post subject: An Errant letter
PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:37 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:36 am
Posts: 1554
To the Honorable Ambassador Tukufu ,

It is with mixed blessing that I write you again so soon after seeing you, But I’m seeking even more information about some of the topics we discussed.

One of the things most prominent on my mind is the unsurety of the Ansharan Gates, the elderly Val’Inares legionnaire that you sent me to did indeed have a great tale of a painful red portal. She wove a very interesting story of a Sethric temple and a gate that she found to be unattunable. Instead it seemed to be run by Sethric devices and crystal control rods. She was gracious enough to provide me with a copy of an ancient map copied from that place, it has an interesting map of where Ansharan portals were previously located. Also of note, Octavia Val’Inares does not care for the “lefty” moniker, I think you may have been pulling the wool over my eyes there friend, but the bottle of grappa did wonders to mend that faux pas

This lead me to rumors of a family repository of knowledge named “ The Vault of Stars” seemingly discovered (Rediscovered?) by Heroes in the last hundred years, but exact details of this Vault are not forthcoming, so please keep an ear out for rumors, the leads I have on this information, seem to have gone cold on me.

After the trail went cold, I started looking into the blight that has plagued my family, and in some of your books it was mentioned a compagnia of itinerant gnomes that might have a solution, I might be on the trail there! I found some records of them travelling and living in Milandir for a time near the sulfur marshes, I have some fond friends that are from the marshes, I think it might be the time to pay my respect down there.

On the topic of the Knight that night, Official inquiries with my new position in the Marshalls have been fruitless, and any information with the deathmongers, seems to have slipped from our grasp. I have continued to look after where the sword may have gone, the population of the Slide have very interesting ways of passing information along., but they seem to be at a loss here. I consider the matter to be closed at this time.

Tukufu, You have a wonderful grasp on the Hunai people, perhaps I can suggest that we organize an expedition to the west, to further research this very interesting people, maybe to the Sea of Grass or to Alabanz, perhaps a treatise on the Triune Goddess represented by “Lady N”, Belisarda and Lissandra, could be written at the same time?

Perhaps this might be a wonderful opportunity to treat Bellamy to a bit of exotic vacation if your relationship has re-progressed to such a point, The Countess has a interest in the west and has found a Captain headed to the Sea of Grass, It would do you some good to get away from the bustle of the city for a while, you seem a bit harried of late old friend.

Reconditely Yours, O

Ps. It Occurs to me to ask, could you perhaps ask your friend with a golden tongue the next time you converse if he has any particular insight on the Legion of Grim Lamentation, their history seems to be shrouded in the mists of time, any insights on their history would be welcome.

--Josh Elliott
Oswald val'Inares V, The Seeker of the Val'Inares
Harvester Lord of the Eastern Fields of Iowa

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 Post subject: Re: An Errant letter
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:18 am 
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It has been the better part of two years since I have been lured into writing in a public capacity. I trust one does not need a magic third eye to see why. We now have the misfortune of living in the Age of The Destroyer. And there is no shortage of additional "lesser" destroyers. They dot the landscape. While there is only ONE spoken of in capital letters in the prophesies, we have all seen that there are many "paragons" that muster their forces. Across the continent, individuals as powerful as any in history begin to wage wars openly and clandestinely.

This is a terrible environment for a humble historian to prod, peel, poke at the events of the day and try to speak the objective truth of our times. Too many powerful individuals are promoting their more selective narratives. And I cannot control who views public correspondences... I would like to think that I am not an easy person to intimidate, but in light of strange people glimpsed lurking outside my bookstore, I believe I have reasonable concerns for my own continued well being. Beyond that I also have to consider threats that might be leveled at my friends and wife.

Which of course brings us to Belinay. It is kind of you to ask how she is doing. Things remain as they are. Which is to say strained. I am sure she would tell you that she is doing well. However, as you of course know, Belinay does not remember being married to me. All of those memories have been wiped from her mind and soul. It's almost as if, somehow, she has been afflicted by the Nowhere Man who assaulted too many of our companions in Dhar Zhan Vor. That intuitive desire to make that connection is problematic. Belinay was secretly in Gaffre when I left for the DZV expedition.

I am thankfully for the small number of people in the Golden Court who have come forward to "remember us" as a couple. They have shared their memories with Belinay over many cups of tea. In addition to Isul Khan Daxio, who continues to handle the finances I pay to support my wife, three of her friends (Esin, Beyza and Tolunay) have all helped rekindle her interest in me. Obviously I owe them a debt. Too many former "friends" in the Golden Court have found it prudent or expedient to ignore me. Still I dare not judge too harshly. I am not the only one with marital problems, and share a desire to avoid further trouble.

The new normal is that I am paying court to Belinay. Again. Many days, this brings joy. I had the pleasure and droll amusement of reintroducing her to the scrolls of Nettelus. Most people would not think of that as a hot date, but we’re both bookworms at heart. And I already knew all the questions she’d have in advance, from the first time I shared his works. That was a good day. But i also tip-toe around sensitive topics. My answer to what happened to her is a painful one. I failed to protect her from an unknown assault. That does not cast me in a good light. Or as a particularly successful husband. The Tomal Khan and Mattias are also topics that are awkward or even dangerous to approach.

It was four years ago when we first met and fell in love. It's not a really a long time. But it's been enough that both of us have changed significantly. I find I constantly have to fight myself to look forward and build something new, rather than look backwards in a vain attempt to recapture something lost and gone. Sometimes it is little things that trip me up and leave me hurt and angry. Since “that night" at Litera Scripta Manet, Belinay no longer enjoys buying shoes. Strangely that is one of the things that really cuts me deeply. When I linger on it it feels like my heart is a small bag broken glass. I struggle to deal with the reality of my impotence. And failures.

I spend a lot of time in meditation - which helps.

While I continue to believe that there is grounds for hope; we are not at a point where she is likely to join me on a vacation. Or an expedition to the Far West.

Alright. That's enough about us. More than enough. Thinking of that night we now call the "Exorcism at Litera Scripta Manet" reminds me that I also owe you a great debt "O." Let me see what assistance I can offer you.

I doubt I can find time at present for further expeditions west. Neither to the City State of Alabanse nor to the Sea of Grass. Perhaps impulsively, I offered my services to lady Elaysha. There are a number of things that she needs, but I daresay in addition to the best healers available she could really use a talented historian. Between that and courting Belinay i am firmly rooted in the Blessed Lands for the time being.

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't go if you are able. I would note that the Sea of Grass and Alabanse are on different sides of the Sea of Lanterns. The Sea of Grass, which I visited once, is along the southern shore. The city states of the Far West are all, as far as I know, on the Northern shore. Make sure you truly find a reliable captain. The only ships that regularly pull into Port Arlet and the Sea of Grass are essentially owned by Duoppol. His slavers regularly hunt the Hunai there since they are so lucrative as slaves.

On the front of the "necromantic blight" suffered by the val'Inares family, I again encourage you to seek out Nescor val'Inares. Necsor's story intersects with the Heroes of Light, the Chamber of Stars, and I have confirmed from contacts in the Mother Church that he still lives! Nescore, amazingly, is 110 years old give or take. By all accounts his mind is still lucid and active. Though unfortunately he lives in Abessios which is not the most accessible of cities at present. Worse, he does not travel; presumably due to his age. Given that the blight begins to afflict the val'Inares somewhere around the age of 60 it must be the case that Nescor can provide illumination on this topic. In fact I find it odd, or even suspicious, that he has not already done so within the family. I feel strongly that there is a mystery there. I think you would profit by exploring it.

Its not immediately clear to me if there is anything else i can immediately help you with. But the door of LSM will always be open to you. Let me know in public or private how I can help.

Your obedient scribe,

Tukufu, Ambassador of Altheria

PS - The Legion of Grimm Lamentations is not a topic easily researched. To my knowledge I have never met one off duty. Though given that their helmets are also masks, how would one know? Someone once asked if the were golems of some sort; and after some discrete “observations” I believe I can assert with confidence that they are people and not machines. But beyond that they guard their secrets close. I will remember to ask questions on your behalf as opportunities present themselves, but on this front I hope you will limit yourself to modest expectations.

Eric Gorman

AKA Ambassador Tukufu, man of letters, tomb raider and Master Sword Sage
. . . and Sir Szymon val'Holryn, Order of the Phoenix
Formerly Sir Jaeger val'Holryn. Weilder of the Holy Avenger: Thonanos. Gave his soul to help free King Noen

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