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 Post subject: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Mission
PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:16 am 
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Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:36 pm
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Being stubborn as a dwarf I kept digging and I found 'The Storm' short story by Derrel Weaver (WWDWD?). I hope you all enjoy this stroll down Arcanis' history.

The Storm

By Derrel Weaver

For a single moment, the world seems to hold its breath. The clouds vanish from the sky. Animals become uneasy and seek shelter. The winds cease to blow and the seas calm unnaturally...until it arrives. Boiling forth from the Blessed Lands is a storm unlike any ever recorded in the history of Man. Within the blink of an eye, they entire world of Arcanis is encompassed in its angry embrace of sinister black and gray clouds. Within another heartbeat, Hurrian's tears of rage begin their relentless assault on the entire planet. As the sky pours forth the torrents of water, every val'Tensen throughout the lands is struck with the touch of the divine. As one, they drop to their knees and howl with a rage so primal and pure, that every val'Virdan cowers from its fury...and from the storm. For 3 full days and 3 full nights, Onara weathers the wrath of the storm.

Spreading out from the Blessed Lands, the Storm permanently scars Onara.

In the First City, pilgrims are driven from their sacred prayers for the first time since the reclamation of that once great metropolis and a rumbling is heard deep within the mysterious depths of its many caverns.

The Flood Plain fills with water for the first time during a non-tidal season, costing the lives of many.

At the Citadel of Hurrian located outside the First City, lightning strikes the central pillar cracking the dome of the great tower, splintering chunks of plaster from its beautifully sculpted and painted ceiling. One of the Valinor depicted there is broken free from his brethren and falls 3 stories to the floor, shattering on the ground at the knees of a val'Tensen laying shaking on the marble floor, wailing in anger.

In Ethelios a howling wind erupts from the Temple of Osalían, growing in intensity until a dozen tornadoes spring from its depths. Eleven of these tornadoes spring forth, toppling each of the Trees of Life, leaving but one standing. The last twister streaks south through the forests of Elonbé and is last seen heading toward the Western Marches.

In Khitan, the Sleeping Emperor weeps tears so pure that several of his attendants die of grief simply by wiping them from his troubled brow.

In Tultipet, the mysterious and superstitious residents seal their enclave.

In Tir Betoq, the lightning strikes and the thunder rolls across the mountains like a wave. With the flash of each stroke, the heart stone of their founding elder glows with an intense radiance. With each rumble of thunder, it threatens to the statue of the founding Elder begins weeping tears of blood. As one, the entire Enclave drops to its knees in prayer.

In the city of Hunder, the storm arrives with such intensity that the Holy Pillar of Nier is reduced to a mere flickering candle. The clergy normally responsible for tending the Pillar cower pitifully in the darkest recesses of the temple, unable to confront the storm, yet unable to flee from it.

In Enpebyn, the voluminous downpour extinguishes the colossal forges of the Empire. For the first time in modern history, the city's skies and streets are cleaned of soot. The undead guardians of the city raise their ghostly voices as one, joining with the ferocity of the storm.

In New Altharé, lightning strikes fall like a God running his fingertips over the mountaintops. Many bridges are damaged and the Tears of Saluwé flow violently threatening to erode much of the mountainside and the Great Stair. The Vault of Memory is hit by one such bolt, damaging the ceiling. It partially collapses burying several monks studying in a nearly unused section of the great repository. But, the collapse also uncovers a long forgotten vault in the historical section detailing the Pantheon of Man.

Along Nier's Spine, the rain arrives like an ocean tide. Such is the force of the downpour that several active volcanoes are utterly extinguished.

In Solanos Mor, Marketplace is erased from existence; its reconstruction many months in the future. The Emtazi inhabitants are evacuated into the protective stone walls of the Enclave, and for the first time, the massive doors are closed. Inside, dwarf and non-dwarf alike fall to their trembling knees and pray for deliverance.

In Sseth, the rising waters and the storms destroy several clutches' eggs. Even more deaths result shortly thereafter as these deaths spark political infighting and finger pointing.

In Seremas, a great tidal wave floods part of the city, and for the first time ever, non-Elorii are evacuated en mass into the more secure Elorii-only sections of the city.

In Ymandragore, the storm arrives with a 50-foot wall of water that batters the island from all directions at once. Hundreds of Harvesters are claimed by the waters, as are dozens of the Black Ships, which simply vanish with the tides.

In Malfelen, the storm is so severe that the Elorii are simply unable to brave it to wage war. For the first time in memory, they know peace.

In Moratavia, at the Temple of Hurrian in the Parthian Mountains, the monks simply watch in wonder as the val'Tensen members of their order scream, howl, and writhe on the ground. With each stroke of lightning outside the temple, a practice longsword shatters in its rack. At the estate of Duke Adolphos val'Tensen, lightning sunders the bell tower plunging it through the ceiling of his private chapel.

In Nishanpur, the Autocrat of Canceri and Provincial Governor of the Hinterlands, whimpers like a child and cowers beneath his desk.

In the League of Princes, the nobles of the Kio houses stand facing the storm, remembering times long past. The tears running down their faces are masked by torrents of rain, but their private anguish remains.

In Nevanne, the storm savages the mountaintops. Every single residence of the Arch-Prelate of Hurrian is leveled by tornadoes, not a single brick is left remaining. In the normally quiet Legion garrisons, the Wail of pain, anguish, and anger from the val'Tensen is so intense that it carries to the highest peaks of the mountains, even above the noise of the storm. There, the massive Cloud and Storm Giants survey the weather and know it for what it is. They look toward their smaller kin, and bow their heads with respect, understanding, and regret. And they pray. Their tears join the raindrops as they chant in sorrowful and subdued tones against the raging storm.

At the site of the Battle of Hope's End, in the foothills of the Wall of the Gods, the storm finds an assembled army. Tens of thousands of Infernals stand poised to march into the interior of Onara, their claws sharpened in anticipation, their maws salivating amid thoughts of tasting human flesh, and revenge ...until the storm sweeps into their ranks. Tornadoes and lightning rip through the Infernal lines, felling them like wheat beneath a scythe. Panic and fear soon replace the Infernal sense of superiority and invincibility. Before the great Devil-King Uhxbractit can order a withdrawal, many thousands of Infernals are shredded into fleshy bits and many more have simply vanished, victims of the furious storm.

In Grand Coryan, 4-foot thick blocks of hail rain down on the city square and the Temple of the Pantheon. The hail seems to be concentrated on a small section of the temple square, and on one statue in particular. But, such is its craftsmanship, that it withstands the assault for many hours...before the ice finally begins to take its toll. Several prelates, under order from the Emperor, stand under the protective cover of the temple awning and attempt to gain a measure of control over the untamed weather. Three are vaporized by lightning even sheltered as they are by the temple. The remaining priests quickly flee further into the chapel as the rain, hail, and lightning seems to chase them off. A few short moments later, the statue of Emperor Calsestus val'Assanté is severely damaged. First huge chunks of stone are split from the impressive image, and then an arm cracks, breaks, and falls free. The Emperor, watches impotently from a balcony window, his impassive face revealing nothing, as the head slowly rolls from the shoulders of his statue, toppling to the ground and breaking. Briefly the Emperor locks eyes with the shattered remains of his statue's head, until even that small piece is destroyed. When the statue of Illiir again reigns supreme in the square, the storm finally abates. As quickly as it started, the storm simply vanishes, but evidence of its passing will forever be scored into the landscape of Onara.

The skies clear, the seas calm, and the clouds part. A single storm crow flies forth from the Blessed Lands. In moments, he becomes a thousand crows. Then, a thousand thousands, until the crows fill the skies as the storm clouds once did. Across Onara, the murder of storm crows descends and lights onto the shoulders of the leaders and important personas of Humanity.

But, the chosen do not hear the simple call of a bird. They hear a powerful voice resonate deep within their minds. "My lord sends me with a message." With this simple declaration, an image appears to their mind's eye. The image slowly focuses, becoming a barren black plain. Obsidian perhaps? The vision moves, scanning the horizon. A green orb and a blue and green orb hang just over a large obsidian building. A fortress? A temple? The vision moves into the citadel, into a central chamber where there are twelve figures standing around a brilliantly glowing orb. The twelve figures are wearing robes...priest robes? Robes of ancient High Priests? As one, they begin to speak...or chant...or make some type of noise...but the vision fades.
"Caw!" And with that, the crows fly away, disappearing into nothingness even as their flapping wings can still be heard.

As the crow lands on the Emperor's shoulder, a figure moves into the shadows to watch.
As the crow flies away, the Emperor cants his head to the side, seemingly lost in thought. Slowly, he begins walking toward his private library.
Silently the figure emerges from the shadows, his dark, broad chest proudly bared. Queen Alezha walks up to her brother, her features a mask of rage. "Why didn't you kill the hateful thing?"
Her brother's face twitches slightly, but without looking away from the retreating Emperor he says, "Even paths leading in different directions, sometimes run parallel."
Unlike the others, this crow does not disappear. It circles the temple of the Pantheon once, then lands on the top of the ruined statue of the Emperor and looks up to a golden falcon resting regally on the shoulder of the statue of Illiir....

The storm crow flaps his wings once to attract the attention of the falcon. Satisfied he has found his target, he looks intently at the golden falcon, gauging his soul. His eyes flash red as they look deeply into the solid white orbs of the falcon. Silently, he begins relating what he knows, transferring feeling and vision through thought alone.

The falcon flutters his wings once as the visions hit him. Trying to gain his bearing, he becomes lost in the imagery. Each image is a violent, flash of light, an intrusion into his mind, body, and soul. But, the falcon can do nothing but watch.

Eight humanoid figures are walking past a row of pikes. Freshly cut human and humanoid heads are spitted on these pikes. Yet, as the figures walk past, impossibly, the heads rotate to watch them...

The eight figures plod resolutely forward, knee deep in a thick, sticky, gray mud. The mud is the same color of the Petrified Forest they travel in. There is no life in the forest and there is little light to see by... the air is unnaturally very cold...

The golden falcon flutters the frost from his wing tips and is immediately seized by another image.

The figures approach a field of statues, their gray stone forms blending in uniformly with the gray of the mud and the trees. Several members disagree on their course of action. Boldly the one known as Thelandras steps forward to lead the party. "There is no danger here. Let us proceed." The others bicker for only a moment longer, but a moment is enough to end a life. Several darts slam into Thelandras, a shocked expression frozen onto his beautiful Elorii features, locked there in death even before his body lands facedown in the mud.

The figures momentarily try to reach the body of their companion, but their efforts are futile. Temujin Haupt shifts into the form of a Troll, but there are too many enemies. The seven figures retreat to the sounds of the cannibals feasting on their lost brother.

One figure scrawls names into a petrified tree. Slowly, deliberately, he scores the memorial for his companions. As he walks away, all that remains are the names. Carinith Salone, Serec val'Tensen, Temujin Haupt, Charyss val'Sheem, Bearkin Silversmith, Xym, and Sir Wolfram val'Ossan.

Chaos. The figures battle with enemies unseen and each other...

Serec's eyes glow with a divine spark and his body is covered with heavenly lightning as he is infused with power, but it is not enough. He falls, his eyes locked open, watching the blood spray from his body as the massive Tralian Hammer finds his flesh and bone. The last thing he sees is a dark, barren plain.

The betrayer becomes the betrayed. Charyss looks to her companions with tear filled eyes. "Remember me well." She then falls upon her own sword. Even as the yellow mist slowly coalesces around her wound, she looses consciousness. The last thing she sees is a vision of an obsidian tower.

Carinith runs for the yellow barrier, and simply bounces off. Knowing there is now no escape, he draws his pistol and places it to his temple. Looking to his remaining companions he says, "It has been a pleasure. I now know the Gods exist." The muffled shot sprays out into a yellow mist on the other side of his head, a yellow mist that slowly reforms and pushes back into his head. Inside his head he hears, "You will not escape me that easily." As he falls to unconsciousness, he sees...12 clerics in a black chamber, gathered around something.

Xym and Bearkin are running for their lives, fleeing the death of their companions. In the distance, they can see a large red marble citadel. Its central tower was once a magnificent replica of the Holy Pillars of Nier, but now, sickly yellow veins pulsed along its length. Two mirror-like portals form near the pair, then soundlessly shatter revealing two...things...that unfold their maws and reach for the duo with impossibly strong tentacles...

Xym tries to run past one of the creatures, but the tentacles are impossibly quick... but not quick enough to catch Xym. His skill his only ally, Xym grins widely as he bypasses the creature. He is still smiling as the massive Tralian Hammer strikes through his skull from behind. Through the explosion of lights and pain, Xym sees a ball of glowing a temple...surrounded by.... with his dying breath, Xym invokes the Kurenthe...only to realize that his soul is no longer his own to spend...

Bearkin also tries to run past the creatures, but he is nowhere as near skilled as Xym...and the yellow mist has already extracted a heavy toll on him. In mere seconds, the creature's tentacles wrap around his head and pull him forward toward the waiting teeth. As the teeth crunch through his skull, Bearkin feels an intense reverse pressure on his eyes and ears...and there is a sucking someone sucking through a straw at a nearly empty glass...then there is a euphoric state as the world suddenly moves from horizontal to perpendicular. The last thing he sees is...clerics...chanting in a dark's important...
Sir Wolfram's body is tossed to the side and only Temujin remains. Trying to flee, he is quickly trapped in a cage made of...yellow glowing bars. The creatures circle the cage, savoring his fear...until they begin savoring his flesh, his brains, his soul. Temujin is the last to fall. The lone defender who sought to buy time for his companions. But they were out of time...all of them. The last thing Temujin sees as the creatures feast on him, is...a temple on a dark moon. 12 clerics are surrounding a glowing orb. They begin to make a is important...oh so important....

The heroes awaken. They are not dead. They are strapped to some form of surgical tables, and something is operating on them. Deolpholis enters their field of vision. He has glowing yellow eyes and begins speaking with them...

The golden falcon can stand no more. Shaking his head, he closes his eyes and spreads his wings to fly away, but the crow is not easily dissuaded.


The falcon shakes off the vision. "No more!" It sends to the crow.



The crow makes a short hop onto the opposite shoulder of Illiir and his eyes flash a red as intense as the sun. "You WILL listen. You WILL see."

"Please, No. Have mercy."
"There is no mercy in me BOY! YOU WILL SEE!"


The intensity of the visions are such that they send the falcon sprawling onto his back, his legs kicking up feebly as if in his death throes.

Temujin is approached by Deolpholis of the yellow eyes. "Hello son. How are you doing? Not too good eh? I can make all the pain go away. Simply join me, and I can free you off this table and let you serve me the way you have always wanted to. I will grant you the ability to take any form and together we can rid this world of the oppressive yoke of the Gods. There will no longer be a need for servitude in any form. What say you?" In a feeble, parched voice, Temujin agrees to the offer...

The falcon kicks his legs feebly trying to flee the awful visions, but he is no match for the crow.

Serec is helplessly strapped to a table, and Deolpholis of the yellow eyes speaks to him. "Hello Serec. I am so happy you are here. I have selected you to be at my side. Together we can wipe away the corruption of the Empire you love so dearly. We can unite them under an ideal leader...You! We can unite your family and return to a Golden Age. What say you?" Serec struggles briefly against his bonds. Then looks to Deolpholis and says, "I will not join you deceiver." In a last act of defiance, he spits at Deolpholis...

The falcon shudders under the assault. But, it is unrelenting as the crow continues...

"Hello Bearkin. I'm so glad you have decided to join me here. Together we can return this world to its natural state. Together we can make a difference. If you join me now, I will give you Emperor Calsestus' head on a platter. What say you?" "Agreed," is the simple one word reply that condemns him...

The falcon is wracked with pain watching the image of Deolpholis toy with these heroes, playing on their emotions, hopes, and dreams. But he is powerless to stop the merciless onslaught of the crow.

"Charyss my darling. Why do you fight me so? Don't you know we share the very same goal? If you join me, I will send you forth at the head of a great and terrible army, and together we will wipe Onara free of the Ssethregoran menace. What say you?" "I will join you to rid the world of the Sseth."...

Shudder...shudder...pain. The falcon spasms and kicks his legs feebly.

"Hello Xym. It is so good to see you. I'm glad you decided to join me here. I know you have turned on me before, but now I think I can offer you something you will not refuse. If you join me, I will help you and your people destroy the humans and the traitorous Val. I will grant you your vengeance and let your people rein supreme once again. What say you?" "I do not trust you. I will not serve you. I was a fool to have followed you this far. I will follow you no further. My people were once slaves, but never again! Be gone!"

The falcon shudders once more, its beak opening and closing reflexively, the last of its strength spent trying to resist the crow. Now he can only lay there under the assault.

"Hello Carinith. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I am really glad you have come to me here. I can now show you the truth of what happened to the Gods, and together we can stop all the atrocities committed in their names. Joining me is the only way to save humanity. What do you say?"
Even in his pain-hazed stupor, Carinith pulls on reserves to his soul that he never knew he had. His answer is defiant and pointed. "Don't you think that if I wanted to serve you, I wouldn't have put a bullet into my own head?"
"I thought you might have made a...hasty decision."
"Go F#$@# yourself old man." much pain...

The view of the room expands revealing another form strapped to another table. Despite the obvious physical and emotional horrors visited upon him by his extended stay here, his glowing face is so peaceful and calm that it is nearly too painful to view.
In a voice as tranquil as a warm summer rain, he turns his divine countenance towards Serec, Xym, and Carinith. "Hello brothers. I have long dreaded doing what needs to be done because I know well the cost of my actions. But, now, through your deeds, I see there is little choice. I cannot save us, but together we may yet save others, will you help me?”

Xym, "Yes."
Carinith, "Yes."
Serec val'Tensen feels a kinship to this...creature. Closer than any blood can bind. "I will help you in any way I can."

Smiling weakly, the Valinor says, "Thank you. I am sorry that I failed you all. But with your help, and your example, I know now what must be done." Casting his gaze one last time towards the Heavens, he says in a voice almost too quiet to be heard, "Forgive me Father." As a single tear falls down his cheek, he looks toward the three heroes and draws forth a portion of the essence of their spirits. Empowered by the divine fuel given freely unto him, he reaches forth and bursts his 3-inch-thick steel bonds with no effort whatsoever. But, instead of escaping, he reaches to his own chest and pulls it open. A glowing radiance rivaling the sun escapes the cavity until another Valinor stepping forth from inside him blots it out. The second Valinor is tall and muscular with long silvery hair and ash gray wings. In one hand he carries a sword of pure lightning, in his other is a tornado shield. Divine energy spreads over his skin in a crackling display, and his eyes are a smoldering red color, much like the clouds in the eye of a storm. A single tether of pure energy binds the twin Valinor together. The second Valinor looks to his brother, and the shock is evident as his brother reaches up feebly to grasp the cord. With the last of his energy, the dying Valinor breaks the cord and releases his brother.

Before the severed cord has even fallen away completely, the Second Valinor becomes a Tempest of fury and rage. He merely gazes at Temujin, Bearkin, and Charyss. His gaze causes every electrical particle in their bodies to hyperactively fire in random pulses until they literally boil in their own liquids and melt...a very horrible and painful death. With a single scream of rage, his scream becomes a hundred tornadoes that sunder the tower walls and attack the inhabitants of the citadel. The Valinor takes flight to do battle, and creatures of all shapes and sizes arrive to fight him, and they all fall to his terrible rage. A single swing of his sword severs flesh, disintegrates tissue, and disperses the remains. His eyes now burn with a red straight from hell, and his fury outmatches their intensity. Waves of hatred and anger seep from the Valinor as palpable energy and he destroys everything he sees. In mere is over. All that remains is the ruined Citadel and four bodies lying in the shattered tower. Landing near his dying brother, he gently reaches out his hand for a final moment of love, but the moment is gone. The last of the light fades from the dying Valinor, leaving his brother alone with his pain and grief. Slowly, he begins trembling, then it erupts into a full blown shaking as a rage ten times more fierce than any he has ever known claims him.
A thousand tornadoes and hurricanes burst forth from his body heading in every direction, and the darkest of storm clouds blot out the sky. The bubble of entropy that had protected the denizens at the Citadel is burst within a heartbeat, and a horrifying and ferocious storm lashes out in all directions...

…As the Wrath of Hurrian has been unleashed on Onara.

Tremble...kick...cough...pain...why so much pain...

Three spirits are guided down a glowing tunnel; much like a child is guided across the street by a loving parent. During their journey, they pass the twisted and tormented souls of their fellow companions. Forever cursed in the afterlife, Temujin, Bearkin, and Charyss wail to Gods who will never hear their lamentations. The three spirits and their guide arrive at a glowing room, made of divine essence. Standing in the center of the room is a large flaming Valinor bearing a greatsword truly deserving of the name. The room is an intersection, with one exit leading down a stairway to a boiling cauldron, and the other to a glowing stairway leading to the Paradise of the Gods.
"Who stands before the Judgment of Nier?", booms a deep and powerful voice.
One by one, the spirits step forward, and one by one, they are deemed unworthy to enter Paradise...until their escort intervenes. Stepping forward to stand with his charges, the Valinor looks to the Judgment and nods in recognition. The Judgment of Nier smiles to him, "I know of you, brother, and of your great deeds. You may pass."
"These mortals are my charges. They will join me in Paradise."
"They are not worthy!"
"They are now. You will cleanse them and allow them to pass. Their deeds merit my intervention, and you will do as I ask. You do not wish to anger me."
A glowing radiance from the staircase leading to Paradise makes the Judgment of Nier take notice, then with a simple nod, he says, "I will do as you ask."
One by one, the heroes' impurities are burned free by the divine magnificence of the Judgment of Nier. Slowly, Serec, Xym and Carinith move to join their patron...but a flaming hand on the shoulder of Serec brings him to a halt.
"I am truly sorry brother. You have the heart of a hero and the soul of a saint, but I may not let you pass. Such is the decree of Hurrian. No val'Tensen shall enter Paradise or the Cauldron until the stain upon your family honor is removed. I am truly sorry."

Serec turns one last time to see his companions climbing the stairs to Paradise...His eyes moist. Satisfied that his companions are safe, a single tear falls from his cheek and an uncertain smile plays at the corners of his mouth as he is escorted to join his kin.

Flying down from the stairway to Paradise, a storm crow brushes each of the six would-be-heroes' souls, pulling an important memory from each, as it soars toward a destination unknown.

And the heroes climb the stairs until the divine radiance encompasses them and makes them whole in every way. And so it comes to pass that Xym the Elorii and Carinith the dark-kin will dwell forever more in the Paradise of the Gods as the personal guests of...The Reluctance of Hurrian.

The golden falcon slowly recovers from his daze. Looking up, he can see the crow still watching him intently. But now, the crow has changed. Now he is the one with tears on his cheeks. With a final flash of hell red eyes, the crow flies alone with his grief into the morning sun and disappears. Righting himself, the falcon, too, takes to the air...flying toward Sicaris. But, the memories are just too much of a burden. Shoulders wracked with violent sobs, the falcon comes to a not too gentle landing, quickly changing shape into a doddering, blind old man. And there Deolpholis stays for many hours...weeping.
Weeping for his failures...weeping for Humanity.

Chris R Chivers
aka Temido
Gnome Priest of Anshar

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 Post subject: Re: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Miss
PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:55 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:06 am
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One of the Valinor depicted there is broken free from his brethren and falls 3 stories to the floor, shattering on the ground at the knees of a val'Tensen laying shaking on the marble floor, wailing in anger.

This was shortly after identified (by inference due to other campaign events) as the Reluctance of Hurrian.

Hence the "Reluctant No More" blood power now existing.

LARG; Astra Tonsoria Ursula val¤Dellanov, Martial Former Tribune, Centurion Sword Sage II, T3.4
LA:5E; Magdelene of Ostermann, Dark-kin Courtesan Rog3(Bard)/HC2 (future twilight warrior)
LRC:OP; Seraphina "Flowerchild" Amakiir, Skill Hero

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 Post subject: Re: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Miss
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:54 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:19 am
Posts: 147
I still remember that adventure well. I watched in amazement as not one of us hesitated to toss our character sheets, log sheets, and certs into the garbage at the end. Well worth it.

Paul Baughman (no hat)
Belthazor Nádasdy val'Mehen of Nishanpur, Bearer of "False Yet True", Noble Born Sorcerer-Priest of Sarish, val'Mehan Emissary

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 Post subject: Re: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Miss
PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 7:53 pm 
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OOC: My theory on the flashes of the Dark Moon is that the Silence was interrogating the Reluctance of Hurrian to find out about the Dark Moon. Scanning the mind of a semi-divine being like a Valinor caused waves of psychic energy to send out flashes of the extracted imagery. What was revealed in the images of the Dark Moon is correct yet very incomplete because the Gods intentionally kept the Valinor in the dark about what really happened on Aperio at the end of the Gods' War. The only possible source of information of what happened there are the beings who were present, and even They may have intentionally chosen to forget some of it via drinking from the Chalice of Midnight; thus, any incomplete, misleading, or contradictory information on the events on Aperio at the end of the Gods' War yields hints as to the subtle conspiracy.

David Thomas Chappell
Sestius Ovidius val'Mehan Comma and Khamat - psion patrician diplomatic legate and his Myrantian tutor
Quintus Ovidius val'Mehan - patrician military tribune
Amadi val'Abebi - Monk of Althares
Talathos - choleric Kelekene dabbler

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 Post subject: Re: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Miss
PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:26 pm 
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At Origins 2017, Henry Lopez said in person that an elorii (i.e., Xym in this story) should not have gone to the Paradise of the Gods even under the circumstances of the the story of "the Storm."

David Thomas Chappell
Sestius Ovidius val'Mehan Comma and Khamat - psion patrician diplomatic legate and his Myrantian tutor
Quintus Ovidius val'Mehan - patrician military tribune
Amadi val'Abebi - Monk of Althares
Talathos - choleric Kelekene dabbler

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 Post subject: Re: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Miss
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 10:40 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:19 pm
Posts: 9
When did The Storm take place in relation to the current 5e and ARG campaigns?

I'm imagining a home campaign that is the Umbrella Academy of Arcanis, where the children were born on the day when this happened.

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 Post subject: Re: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Miss
PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:09 am 
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It took place around he year 1028ish ... so like 40-50 years before the current campaigns. Unless you want to change that for the purposes of your home campaign.

...After Leonydas val’Virdan reappeared in the world (During the events of Blood Reign of Nishanpur) he consolidated power in Canceri, rallied the Erdukeen to his side and marched to seize the First City because in his mind he is the last Imperator of the Imperium. But he made a side trip to the “lost” Citadel of Nier (aka the Citadel of Silence). There most of his army was devastated by the forces of Entropy and Leonydas supposedly disappeared inside the Citadel. (The survivors retreated back to Canceri but got caught in the Battle of 4 Armies for an additional round of mauling by Milandir, Menisis, and Canceri Rebels).

Roughly a year after that a special mission was offered at the end of Origins for players who wanted to find out what had happened to Leonydas. Their characters all died. But they got their wish...and their sacrifice is what triggered the Storm.

Eric Gorman

AKA Ambassador Tukufu, man of letters, tomb raider and Master Sword Sage
. . . and Sir Szymon val'Holryn, Order of the Phoenix
Formerly Sir Jaeger val'Holryn. Weilder of the Holy Avenger: Thonanos. Gave his soul to help free King Noen

Last edited by val Holryn on Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Miss
PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 9:48 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:08 am
Posts: 1473
val Holryn wrote:
Roughly a year after that a special mission was offered at the end of Origins for players who wanted to find out what had happened to Menisis.

I think you mean Leonydes, not Menisis.

But otherwise a very succinct and accurate summation of events.


Henry Lopez

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 Post subject: Re: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Miss
PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:50 pm 
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Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:06 am
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D’oh! Yes Leonydas! I”ll edit that.

Eric Gorman

AKA Ambassador Tukufu, man of letters, tomb raider and Master Sword Sage
. . . and Sir Szymon val'Holryn, Order of the Phoenix
Formerly Sir Jaeger val'Holryn. Weilder of the Holy Avenger: Thonanos. Gave his soul to help free King Noen

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 Post subject: Re: The Storm - The aftermath of the Citadel Of Silence Miss
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:59 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:19 pm
Posts: 9
Thank you!

I'll stick with the official timeline, just have my character a bit older. It fits a role I'll enjoy playing as the game that I will primarily be using him in will be playing with my son and the kiddos from a couple other of my Arcanis-buddies. We've all had children since we started Arcanis and they are of a similar age to start gaming.

I'll be the older teacher with a young group, he just has a little bit of Fury that comes out when someone threatens one of his young pupils . . .

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