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 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:24 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:46 pm
Posts: 1353
This time The Mountain was led to a workshop. Inside a woman stood tools in hand finishing up a bit of detail work on an exquisite saddle. Sensing their presence she put down the tools, smiled warmly and stepped forward. She offered an appropriate gesture of respect, “Welcome. I am Vashti, and well pleased to make your acquaintance.” Her gaze was steady and open. Her hair was a light shade of brown and sun kissed. By height she was the most imposing of those she had met, easily taller than Roshni. She was well, a beautifully worked sleeveless white leather jacket over loose fitting white garments chased in gold. While her ensemble was exquisite, it was practical allowing her to work without impediment and ride without issue.

The Mountain pulled himself up into an arena pose. “I am… The Mountain,” he announced, returning her warm greeting. At a nod from Vashti, the two guards withdrew, leaving the two to their discussion.

Looking at the saddle, The Mountain’s eyes went wide. “Wow! That’s very pretty. Did you do all that?” and he looked at her expectantly. If the question troubled her, it didn’t show in her demeanor or answer. She smiled without indulgence or condescension.

“Yes. I am a master leatherworker and devote my craft to gear for horses. I get to combine two of my loves.”

“You made your jacket though, right?”

“Why do you say that?” Vashti asked curiously.

“The flourish on your collar. That’s like that point,” and he pointed at a section of the saddle trim.

Vashti smiled and looked impressed. “Good eye. Yes, I made the jacket. I do things for myself and on occasion for others. It’s a nice change of pace and a challenge.”

She considered The Mountain. “Do you ride?”

The Mountain shrugged. “Yes, but not well.”

“Allow me to share my joy with you and provide a few tips that could help make your future travels, easier,” the pitch was easy and hard to refuse.

“Ok. Sounds like fun. Where do we get horses?” he looked around as if expecting that they would appear in the room.

Vashti smiled broadly, “Come. I know where we can find some.” She rested a handly lightly on his arm and pointed to a different door. “This way.”

“Um, Firuz? We’re going off riding. Ok?”

The guard moved through the door when The Mountain called out and nodded. “We will await your return here.” Firuz looked at Vashti. “If it would be better for us to meet him elsewhere, send word.”

She inclines her head in acknowledgement. “Of course, Firuz. We will be some time, so feel free to seek refreshments while we’re gone.”

Firuz nods his thanks.

Vashti applies only the slightest pressure on The Moutain’s arm to guide him towards the door and off they went. The journey wasn’t overly long. Eventually they reached the stables. “Select your mount from among these,” as they walked past a variety. There were impressive looking stallions and as they passed the first one Vashti smiled. “A fine stallion, three years with impressive strength and speed,” The horse snorted and The Mountain nodded his consideration though kept walking. A few more down the line a gorgeous bay caught his eye.

“Excellent eye!” Vashti commented, “She’s a favorite of the Golden Court and often taken out. She runs like the wind itself.” Once again he nodded and moved on. They moved past more than a dozen other horses with Vashti providing a comment or encouragement before The Mountain stopped. He stood before a large black stallion though notably older than the others. He considered for a moment.

“This one.”

She looked at him curiously. “Why this one?”

The Mountain looked at her like a very serious child, “This one is older and wiser.”


“There’s a bit of silver in his coat and he seems nicer. And he’s big and strong enough for me,” he concluded.

Vashti nodded then smiled. “Older and wiser it is. Meet Batmognke, prized stallion of Delgerzorig who along with his fellow Takomir rode down and broke the final line of invading demons guarding the gates of Jappa.”

The Mountain reached out his hand for Batmognke to become familiar with him before reaching up to pet him. “He’s a nice horse.”

She laughed. “And more mellow now than during the war. Come let us be off.”

Vashti gathered tack and harness for both the stallion and her mare before they made their way off. Their conversation was engaged and animated and ranged from horses to his travels to her business and that of her family. She seemed more interested in the places he had gone and the people he had met than with the fights he’d had along the way. She asked about the chain he wore and he happily told her the story. It was done with the same gusto as earlier, though far less acrobatics as they rode rather than being on foot.

At times during the conversation she would alter the pace or shift a bit suddenly, though gracefully. Though hard to distinguish at first, it became more apparent that they were tests of his abilities and she began providing suggestions for how better to respond.

“Are you testing me?” The Mountain asked after yet another odd shifts.

Vashti grinned and smiled. “Just feeling out your limits and potential. You seem to have the natural grace and talent to excel, though appear little used to riding.”

“That’s true,” he replied nodding solemnly.

Eventually they returned to the stables and passed off their horses to grooms to care for. As they approached the room where they met, Vashti stopped and looked up at The Mountain.

“May I ask a question?”

“Uh, didn’t you just do that? And you’ve asked lots, so why ask about asking?”

She smiled at the humor. “What are you looking for?”

The Mountain looked at her blankly. “What do you mean?”

“Our meeting today, meetings with others. I understand you may wed one of those you spend time with. So, what are you looking for?”

“Someone who sees me as me,” he stated firmly and nodded.

“And what do you offer in return?”

“Why, being me!” he then realized she might be referring to something else. “Oh! Do you mean like gifts? Gifts are nice. I could get you one. Is that what you’re talking about?”

Vashti shook her head. “It’s important to be a good judge of character as a merchant. There is more to you than our conversation would warrant. You have excellent instincts such as with Batmongke or aren’t as…” she paused reconsidering her words.


“You grasp things or react more quickly than many might expect.”


Vashti smiled and placed a hand lightly on his arm and with slight pressure they resumed their walk. As they returned to the room she looked at him. “Shall we meet again? I don’t feel like we’ve reached an understanding yet, and I would hate to leave unfinished business.”

The Mountain nodded. “Ok.”

She rested her hand on his arm, “Until then,” she said.

He nodded and called out for his escort who promptly opened the door.

“Good bye!” he returned and then followed Firuz towards where he would meet the last of the women, Nasha had arranged for.

To be continued…

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 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:26 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:46 pm
Posts: 1353
I looked again at Shirin's scene after thinking it might have been a bit short. I believe I'll keep it the way it is and simply add the pieces I would have added to it there to the next scene.

Last edited by Hat on Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:37 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:46 pm
Posts: 1353
Firuz and Parviz led The Mountain through the Palace and up to a large library. Within was a woman more formally dressed than the others he met, though the clothes seemed designed to be comfortable and not hamper movement. She stood at a table, various scrolls and tomes spread out, quill in hand making notes and engrossed in her work. Oblivious to their arrival, The Mountain had a few moments to study her.

She moved with purpose, hands reaching to different materials before making additional notes. Her black hair was pulled back and kept away from her eyes by a jeweled hair pin. Her intensity added to her presence and bearing. Her bare arms pointed to a more active lifestyle than the present setting suggested. Almost overlooked was an ornate, though ancient looking scimitar hanging from a belt on the chair behind her. While exquisite, its craftsmanship spoke to a weapon made to be used rather than simply worn.

“I am, The Mountain,” he announced in a quieter voice in deference to his surroundings. Having announced his presence he dropped to a knee as a sign of respect. The guards were also more precise in their salute, their respect evident.

She looked up, eyes quickly moving to take in the newcomers and came to some assessment. Pulling herself to her full height she stood as tall as any he had met, perhaps even taller. She projected a sense of authority and her eyes shone with intelligence. She smiled politely. “Greetings The Mountain. I am Ruana, Loremaster of the Maghir, assistant to Kaveh. I am pleased to meet you.”

The Mountain grinned as he stood. “Me too.” His eyes strayed to the table with all the books, manuscripts and scrolls.

“Tell me, what…”Ruana’s question was cut off as The Mountain moved over to the table.

“Wow! Lots of books with squiggles,” The Mountain moved around then sighed. “None with pictures,” he concluded sadly.

The interruption and being ignored didn’t go over well with Ruana especially given The Mountain’s commentary. She looked poised to issue an angry retort and then stopped and watched him closely. He continued to stare at the various documents at all sorts of angles, scanning to make sure he hadn’t missed any illustrations.

“Are you unfamiliar with the written word?” The Mountain looked up confused. “The squiggles?” She stared deep into his eyes as he nodded. “And you’d like to see…pictures?” Her voice was cool and detatched, though not cold. He nodded again. “Very well.”

Ruana moved to the table and scanned across the various works. She rolled an ancient scroll to a different part, showing what might have been a depiction of the First City from ages past, though impossible to tell if real or imagined. The Mountain immediately became interested and moved over to review. Watching him she moved to another work – this one a folio, and found a battle scene focused on an impressive man wielding vast elemental power. She repeated the process until she had a half dozen illustrations of varying sizes laid out on the work table, then stepped back to allow him to examine them.

With each of the illustrations, The Mountain approached the work from the correct angle as it was clear which way it should be viewed. Through his process as he studied them, she studied him. As he neared the fifth illustration he asked, “So what is it that you’re learning about?”

Ruana had calmed down from her initial irritation and her voice was neutral when she replied. “I’m interested in the fall of the First Imperium and the state of the empire before the Theocracy of the Cleansing Flame swept to power. Large portions of the city were destroyed during the time of Leonydas val’Virdan, but before it the city was intact. Much of that original city is still here in the various levels of ruins and debris.”

She moved to the picture of the man wielding vast power. “Before the fall of the last Imperator, he had at his disposal a cadre of magicians that served him whose descendants became known as the Eryunellian Battle Mages. It was a time before the coming of the Sorcerer King of Ymmandragore, when the use of such powers were not considered anathema or heretical. It is an interesting time in history for as much as the churches’ teachings speak of the use of that power being a usurpation of the gods’ will and pure hubris, it was an accepted part of the fabric of life within the Imperial Court.”

She looks across the various documents as if seeking something. “Buried somewhere I believe are the keys to understanding the complex history of the interaction of priests and sorcerers. What caused the Battle Mages to fall out of favor? Was it the failure to protect the last Imperator? Was it their failure against the Myrantian Hegemony and were they blamed for the destruction caused by the war? Was it the hubris of the Sorcerer King and him being responsible for the beginning of the Time of Terror? Could it be that the churches were always against that channeling of the god’s power, but the will of the Imperators shielded them to operate as they saw fit? Was use of magic by those others that priests accepted by the population at large or were they feared even then?”

Ruana shrugged. “So little survived the time of Terror and then the Sorcerer King’s harvesting of both people and things of power, that there is little to go on. I have worked out a deal with Ambassador Tukufu who’s the proprietor at the Litera Scripta Manet to share research as well as access to rare tomes in the interest of discovering more about the Imperium of Man. These” as she gestured at the various works on the table, “are all I have been able to find discussing those times. The Ambassador has graciously offered to forward me any related works for a small fee of course. However, as interesting as that time and that particular peculiarity is, there is much to the ruins to be discovered of the heritage of at least five previous empires living here.”

Her voice had gained strength and passion, and both were clearly dear topics to her.

“Do the Eryuni…men Battle Mages still exist?” asked The Mountain, caught up in her tale.

She eyed him once more and shrugged. “It is said the last perished in fighting the Sorcerer King and the Myrantian Necromancer Lords. It’s possible that their descendants yet found sanctuary somewhere, hidden away from the plight of their brethren and away from the vast destruction the Time of Terror brought on. They would be a very interesting find as would any ruins or relics from their past. Sadly, any remains of note most likely can be found in the dusty tombs of Myrantia or upon the Isle of Tears.”
“Can you go and get the stuff from the dusty tombs? A good broom would get rid of the dust and make the stuff you’re looking for easier to find.”

Ruana looks at The Mountain a bit incredulously and then chuckles. “The capital of the Myrantian Hegemony sank into the Kraldjur Morass near the border between the Malfaelen’s of the Fellglade and the Ss’ethregoran Empire. It would be a bit hazardous to get there.”

The Mountain’s eyes got big. “More than a bit! Walking between two people fighting is a bad idea and walking between a lot of two people fighting a REALLY bad idea,” The Mountain moved away from the table and stared at the far wall. “Wars are dangerous places,” he noted thoughts far away.

She regarded him for a moment before walking over to him. “Why don’t we sit?” and she gestured to where a set of chairs and couches were arranged for a discussion.

“Ok,” and he walked over and took a seat on a couch. Ruana followed and sat in a chair opposite from him making talking easier.

“You fought in the 6th Crusade of Light as part of Count Felix’s Irregulars, correct?”


“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I may be good at fighting, but I don’t like war. Too many people die.”

Ruana nodded sympathetically.

Switching topics, The Mountain gestured to the scimitar. “Have you used that?”

It took her a moment to place the question in context. “Yes. I have helped sponsor expeditions into the undercity and elsewhere. Often I go along to see what I can learn or find. Lots of times the journeys are fruitless, empty corridors and rooms, dusty or damp or filled with mud. At times though we find new inhabitants who don’t like their homes or nests disturbed.”

She goes over and recovers the scimitar. “This is an heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation and kept by the Loremasters of the Maghir. We are defenders of our people and more importantly the ways of our people. I have used it the defense of myself and others.”

“Keeping people safe is good.”

Ruana nodded. “I find it curious that Nasha thought I might be a good match for you. Why do you think that might be?”

“You’re good at telling stories, right?”


“I love good stories!” The Mountain adds with a bit of excitement, the somberness transforming into happiness once again.

She just looks at him. “Anything else?”

“Well, I like to travel and help people. So I go a lot of different places and find all sorts of strange things. I’ve been to the Haina Empire, through Almeric, Milandir, the Coryani Empire, the Hinterlands, the,” she cuts him off before he continues to run down what might be a very long list.

“I see. Do you like to tell stories?”

“Uh huh! I have all sorts of stories. Do you want to hear them?”

Ruana settles more comfortably into her chair. “Please.”

“Ok! So this necklace is a champion’s chain. I got this after beating a REALLY BIG ss’ressen. He was even bigger than me, though not by a lot. Both of us had beaten a lot of opponents to get to the end. And there we were, he with his axe and me with my trident. The battle was really tough! It wasn’t supposed to be to the death, but he wouldn’t give up and I didn’t want to die. He killed all of his other opponents. That’s sad. So we started out by waving to the crowd…”

For the second time that day he launched into a beloved and often told tale. From there he spoke of different adventures he had been on and the places he’d visited as well as the unusual people and creatures he’d encountered. At first Ruana just listened, but as he got further along in his storytelling she began asking more questions, probing at details and descriptions of places, people, the languages they spoke or how the speech sounded. He was sometimes able to remember a word or phrase from the conversations. Though not always clear what the words originally were, Ruana was able to identify each one. At a lull she seemed pensive.

“You have given me a lot to think on, The Mountain. Thank you,” and with that she stood up. “It is getting late and I believe we both have things we need to do.”

The Mountain stood as well, then dropped to a knee in respect. “Thank you for the time as well,” before standing back up.

“Can we talk again?” he asked her. “I’d like to hear some of your stories.”

Ruana nodded. “That would be nice,” she decided.

The Mountain smiled and headed for the door. As he stepped through he glanced back and saw her at the table moving one of the tomes that she had opened to an illustration had badly creased one of the folio pages below it. Cursing quietly she moved the book on top and slowly smoothed out the page below with her hand. When she was done it was if the crease had never been there. She glanced up as The Mountain finished moving through the door, aware that he had likely seen what she had done. He shut the door and looked at Firuz and Parviz.

“Can we get something to eat? I’m hungry,” and as if on queue his belly rumbled.

“Of course, The Mountain,” Firuz responded. “I expect you’ve had a busy day and with that they headed back towards the kitchens for a late dinner.

To be continued…

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 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:48 am 
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Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:06 am
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Still good! And I even geta shout out to Tukufu.

But what's the secret The Mountain whispered to Nasha in the beginning? I've wracked my mind but can't come with anything better than "And she must love dogs." :P I'm pretty sure that's not it.

Eric Gorman

AKA Ambassador Tukufu, man of letters, tomb raider and Master Sword Sage
. . . and Sir Szymon val'Holryn, Order of the Phoenix
Formerly Sir Jaeger val'Holryn. Weilder of the Holy Avenger: Thonanos. Gave his soul to help free King Noen

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 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:34 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:46 pm
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val Holryn wrote:
Still good! And I even geta shout out to Tukufu.

But what's the secret The Mountain whispered to Nasha in the beginning? I've wracked my mind but can't come with anything better than "And she must love dogs." :P I'm pretty sure that's not it.


It seemed hardly fitting to include a scholar living in the First City whose unaware of Tukufu! Likewise I would hope that should music be the subject Vincens or at least his Academy would come to mind as well.

I'm glad you're still enjoying the story. Right now I'm about a third of the way through telling it at least in terms of "scenes." Not sure how long in terms of actual word count. I've sketched out in a couple sentences each of the next 10 chunks and would guess there are probably another 5ish and an epilogue beyond that.

As for what The Mountain shared with Nasha, that will come out much more clearly over the next 10. There are hints within the story so far that I hope at a minimum will be able to be put in context in hindsight. He is taking risks in going through this process and sharing any secret requires trust especially given the limited time frame he has to work with. The introductions gave each party a chance to feel out the other and get more of a sense of why they were there. Each realizes to some extent that they were picked and has to ask themselves, why them? amongst other questions.

One thing I'm striving for is that all the notable NPCs have plans, ambitions, and a story that this one is simply interacting with. Ideally I'll bring them to life enough that the choices they make make sense for them, even if they're not the ones the reader would make. I'm currently working on the impressions of The Mountain that each woman was left with after their initial encounter and will likely do the same for him. The impressions and questions they have will shape how the next encounter goes.

The end isn't written yet except in the broadest sense. Writing through the next sections will provide more clarity to us where the story's going and how it will end. I have some other work to do that I want to get done this week that will eat into my time to work on this story, so I expect the pace of posting will slow until I'm through that. For the delays I ask your patience.

With a sweep of his hat,


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 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:05 am 
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The story is turning out quite well so far Paul, looking forward to more.

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aka Leif - Skohir Warped One (Martial 2.6)
aka Rurik - Nol Dappan War Priest (Divine 2.3)
aka Karthik - Tultipetan Stonemason (Expert 1.4)

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 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:50 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:06 am
Posts: 991
I'm getting the impression that The Mountain might be a closet "bronie" with his reaction to horses and horse-related gear.

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LA:5E; Magdelene of Ostermann, Dark-kin Courtesan Rog3(Bard)/HC2 (future twilight warrior)
LRC:OP; Seraphina "Flowerchild" Amakiir, Skill Hero

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 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:00 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:46 pm
Posts: 1353
Southernskies wrote:
I'm getting the impression that The Mountain might be a closet "bronie" with his reaction to horses and horse-related gear.

Lol. I can assure you that's not the case. They are the things that are present that the two women in question care about and are engaged with when he meets them.

With a sweep of his hat,


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 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:49 pm 
Has The Mountain got a Patchwork Soul?

Also enjoying the episodes, btw. Makes me wonder what it'd look like if an eloran hero had asked for a bride.

 Post subject: Re: The Heart of The Mountain
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:21 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:46 pm
Posts: 1353
ZCaslar wrote:
Has The Mountain got a Patchwork Soul?

Also enjoying the episodes, btw. Makes me wonder what it'd look like if an eloran hero had asked for a bride.

Glad you're enjoying it. Patchwork Soul is an interesting guess. Answers at least in story form, forthcoming. :)

Next scene is probably going to be posted within the next couple of days. It's more transitional and shorter. The one after probably short as well, but we'll see where it goes.

Constructive criticism welcome. Always happy to learn how to get better.

With a sweep of his hat,


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