Planning to run the first few games of "Coming of the Destroyer", mainly aimed a new players (or new PCs that can use rebuilds).
First game is scheduled for:
17 Aug 1930-2330 (+10 GMT/UTC) A2HP01. Tier 1.5 ("Divine" Archetype only preferred)
And could use some more players (only 2 signed up so far).
I'm going to take advantage of the campaign rules where you can rebuild after your first 5 games.
Premise: Spreading the knowledge for new players or pushing older players outside their single PC comfort zone.
4 adventures (giving a buffer if a PC has already been used at GenCon).
Each adventure uses a different PC Archetype. You cannot duplicate Nation or Background between each game.
The plan is the following:
Session Zero - character creation and Roll20 setup - adhoc using Discord/Roll20.
A2HP01 Into the Blessed Lands : All PCs must be "Divine" archetype.
A2HP02 That Which Lies Beneath : All PCs must be "Arcane" archetype.
A2HP03 Ancient Battles Unfinished : All PCs must be "Martial" archetype.
A2HP04 Visions of Lives Past : All PCs must be "Expert" archetype.
(Yes, I know they are Hard Points and can be more difficult).
Within those guidelines, the Legends of Arcanis Campaign Rules need to be complied with. You can apply the Tier 1.5 Advancement Certificate (4000xp, 4 Gc). It is recommended that you build the new PC after the previous game, so you can use the lessons learned to improve the new build.
I also suggest you save the 4 Gc for your final PC version (for reasons that will become clear after completing the four games).