Paradigm Concepts

Epic Arcanis Beatdowns Round TWO
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Author:  SamhainIA [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Epic Arcanis Beatdowns Round TWO

Right being foiled by plot early on since it seems to have possibly happened with a definitive victor by subterfuge, Ive decided to post something else that may just as easily be foiled.

AND in this corner we have the man that was imprisoned impersonated and impugned by a VALINOR and lived to tell about it. the knocked down but got back up again Emperor of the Coryani empire.

Seriously this guy walked back out of a cage and waded through a river of valinoric blood to spit in a Valinor's eye, notably the valinor of Illir's pride Manetas (who was locked up in a stone statue for a while, I'm beginning to think that Uncle henry has this thing about locking powerful deities up, maybe explains the lawyer thing )

AAAAAAND in the other corner of the continent (well kinda)

King Osric IV the Duke of Neranth and the King of Milandir, he still has a bit of a headache from the Crown ( or maybe the demon that put it on his head permanently ) who has personally give a devil king the whatfor end of a sword, and sent a demon generals and mor minions and scum scurrying than can be counted.

Seriously I can remember this happening, but just imagine instead of the Almeric solution these two fellas decided to duke it out man to man, sword to sword, pitting the best of Milandir to the Best of Coryan for the TITLE match of the century

Even some bystanders have come out to make sure the fight is as epic as advertised, some fella (Loshnek) said he was a devotee of Sarish, magicked these guys up to be at the best shape of their lives.

and GO, man to man, armies standing at a attention, and Loshnek making sure this fight is as fair as possible (you know so his other plans dont have any attention paid to them) Who thriows the best beatdown

Author:  Nierite [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Arcanis Beatdowns Round TWO

Well, referencing the Almeric Border, that was Scipio val'Assante', and from the description you are talking about Calcestus val'Assante', his brother and predecessor to the Throne of Coryan.

Assuming you are talking about Calcestus, I'd have to give it hands down to Osric unless it was "Osric when Calcestus was on the throne," because he was still a fairly young manboy at the time. If talking about both in their prime, Osric wins every time.

If you are talking about Scipio, then the odds are more even, but I'd still give it to Osric as I don't know if Scipio ever really face too much combat while still a General, and how much of his position was political (yay Tribunes!). Osric, however, faced off against Immortal Devil Demigods and provided a good showing for himself.

Author:  val Holryn [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epic Arcanis Beatdowns Round TWO

Calcestus. Henry put his stats up once in 3.0 terms. It was ridiculous. Not merely awesome, but ridiculous. I think he had 35 total levels.

King Osric is/was 12 kinds of awesome but he got beat up by an archdemonius and had to be rescued by the Knights of the phoenix ... though he gave a good account and cut off one of its wings. That puts his majesty only slightly ahead of Count Felix who is also 12 kinds of awesome but who also wasn't a match for the same archdemonious and had to be balied out by High Templar Tilman and presumably the act of a valinor. As great as Felix is I don't think people talk about him the same way they talked about Calcestus, Menisis or maybe even Dorjan.

In other words Osric was awesome but still basically mortal.

Alas, it breaks my heart a little bit to write this, but in a cage match overseen by Loshnek, I put my money on Calcestus.

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