Paradigm Concepts

Prominent stories of Cadic and the val'Borda?
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Author:  Hat [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Prominent stories of Cadic and the val'Borda?

So I was thinking of the various val families and the pantheon especially given the prominence of a number of the different gods and families throughout the stories that have been told to date.

val'Abebi - rule Altheria and have cool things like airships
val'Assante - rule Coryan, the Mother Church and are often inquisitors
val'Borda - have a valinor fighting Oblivion, had a legion eaten to help fuel the restoration of the il'huan, have a hard time coming up with things of note
val'Dellenov - once ruled the Coryani Empire, rule Balantica and at least in the original Codex, ruled Annonica
val'Emman - previously enslaved the val'Virdan and once were the greatest scions of Nier. The family was rediscovered in the first campaign and stokes rivalries with the val'Virdans
val'Holryn - prominent ruling family within Milandir, vals of mystery
val'Inares - Control the gates, interesting stories related to what happens when they get old, immersed in the politics of Abessios
val'Ishi - Some stuff with Enpebyn, but having a hard time coming up with things of note
val'Mehan - Sarishans are part of the Dark Triumpherate ruling Canceri
val'Mordane - Part of the Dark Triumpherate ruling Canceri. There's also a strong Nerothian tie to the Auxun Empire from what little we've seen so far.
val'Ossan - Rule Milandir
val'Sheem - Prominent moreso for their Oracular side through history than the Sensates that have promience these days. Rule Savona.
val'Tensen - Prominent through Menesis, tied to Precision, and rulers of Almeric
val'Virdan - their mark is found in many places from the Sword of the Heavens, to being part of the Dark Triumpherate, rulers of Nova Cormata and general trouble-makers.

It seems that the val'Borda and val'Ishi have had a far more muted involvement in history, rule and events than many of the other families.

Are there interesting historical nuggets I'm forgetting or that we've seen hints to or are they simply quieter / smaller players in the grand history of Onara?

With a sweep of his hat,


Author:  Nierite [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prominent stories of Cadic and the val'Borda?

Well, also remember that the val'Borda are the rulers (or, senior nobles) of the Coryani province of Annonica which is home to major Legionnaire training facilities. They also exert influence on both sides of the Sea of Coryan, butting heads with the val'Baucisz, the Kio, and the Seremasi. It was a val'Borda who lead the failed invasion of Entaris, and they have served in many prominent positions (didn't at least one serve as Defender of the Empire) within the Empire. In terms of the val'Borda, it seems far more in keeping with Cadicians to WANT to stay in the shadows and the limelight. After all, if you don't paint a huge target on yourselves like the val'Assante', nobody is going to notice when you stick the dagger in your back.

As for the val'Ishi, they are the rulers of Valentia which is the industrial heart of the Coryani Empire, making them rich beyond their kin in other provinces. However, like Cadicians Beltinians seem to focus on 'support' roles in politics. The family honours healers, priests, and those who help others as opposed to the val'Virdans or Assante' or Dellenov who seek their own personal honour. We also know that the Ishi have been involved in major events themselves with their politics involving the val'Emman and the val'Tensen. Also remember: The val'Ishi show asian features, which means that they have some Khitani heritage that has yet to be expanded upon. We know that the Khitani Ul's are so named because the Vals were deemed unworthy by the Sleeping Emperor/Dreaming of Larissa, and all the Ul's seem to be of a specific ethnic group. . . except the val'Ishi's.

Author:  Hat [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prominent stories of Cadic and the val'Borda?

Nierite wrote:
Well, also remember that the val'Borda are the rulers (or, senior nobles) of the Coryani province of Annonica which is home to major Legionnaire training facilities.

That was my thought too, but when I looked it up, I was mistaken. The reference to rulership of Annonica is in the original Codex: Arcanis. It lists Lord Flaminius val'Dellenov as the Governor. Under power centers it notes: Governor, Trade Chancellor, lesser Provosts and Guilds, Churches of Saluwe' and Yarris (Codex: Arcanis, p.32). Looking at the Plexus IK Domain document it notes that Plexus was seriously damaged when Emperor Quaron val'Dellenov decided to eradicate the Twilight Warriors and much of Plexus with it, from which the val'Borda have seemingly not recovered.

Nierite wrote:
They also exert influence on both sides of the Sea of Coryan, butting heads with the val'Baucisz, the Kio, and the Seremasi. It was a val'Borda who lead the failed invasion of Entaris, and they have served in many prominent positions (didn't at least one serve as Defender of the Empire) within the Empire. In terms of the val'Borda, it seems far more in keeping with Cadicians to WANT to stay in the shadows and the limelight. After all, if you don't paint a huge target on yourselves like the val'Assante', nobody is going to notice when you stick the dagger in your back.

Any reference for the failed invasion of Entaris being led by a val'Borda or their influence in the West? I've just looked at Eldest Sons and there's no note of a leader in there. You are correct about there being a former Defender of the Empire who was a val'Borda. I can appreciate a style that keeps a low profile, though it seems odd not to have some good press somewhere to hang a hat on to offset the whispers. And it's certainly possible they are just minor players in history.

Nierite wrote:
As for the val'Ishi, they are the rulers of Valentia which is the industrial heart of the Coryani Empire, making them rich beyond their kin in other provinces. However, like Cadicians Beltinians seem to focus on 'support' roles in politics. The family honours healers, priests, and those who help others as opposed to the val'Virdans or Assante' or Dellenov who seek their own personal honour. We also know that the Ishi have been involved in major events themselves with their politics involving the val'Emman and the val'Tensen. Also remember: The val'Ishi show asian features, which means that they have some Khitani heritage that has yet to be expanded upon. We know that the Khitani Ul's are so named because the Vals were deemed unworthy by the Sleeping Emperor/Dreaming of Larissa, and all the Ul's seem to be of a specific ethnic group. . . except the val'Ishi's.

True and interesting. There was the ghostly legion in Enpebyn as well. I think it was the Doom of Chendo, but I may be misremembering.

Happy to hear other bits if people come up with them.

With a sweep of his hat,


Author:  PCIHenry [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prominent stories of Cadic and the val'Borda?

You also forgot that it was a Cadican legion led by a val'Borda general that prevented the Khitani from taking the First City during the First Khitani-Coryani War. A statue of the general stands in the Coryani district of the First City.

Author:  Hat [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prominent stories of Cadic and the val'Borda?

PCIHenry wrote:
You also forgot that it was a Cadican legion led by a val'Borda general that prevented the Khitani from taking the First City during the First Khitani-Coryani War. A statue of the general stands in the Coryani district of the First City.

See, I knew I'd miss something. Thanks Henry. Just curious - which legion?

With a sweep of his hat,


Author:  Nierite [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prominent stories of Cadic and the val'Borda?

Legion of the Crimson Moon, from Codex Arcanis (Mk 2)

Author:  Haakon_val'Ishi [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prominent stories of Cadic and the val'Borda?

I know this val'Ishi is perfectly happy with a "support" role. I prefer to be the "conscience of the king" rather than the king himself. To paraphrase Londo Mollari the rewards are almost as good and the danger far far less. :) I can lead if needed but prefer to be a team player. Given their role with Beltine as healers and "funeral directors" it seems unlikely that a val'Ishi will aspire to power.

Author:  Southernskies [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prominent stories of Cadic and the val'Borda?

Hat wrote:

That was my thought too, but when I looked it up, I was mistaken. The reference to rulership of Annonica is in the original Codex: Arcanis. It lists Lord Flaminius val'Dellenov as the Governor. Under power centers it notes: Governor, Trade Chancellor, lesser Provosts and Guilds, Churches of Saluwe' and Yarris (Codex: Arcanis, p.32). Looking at the Plexus IK Domain document it notes that Plexus was seriously damaged when Emperor Quaron val'Dellenov decided to eradicate the Twilight Warriors and much of Plexus with it, from which the val'Borda have seemingly not recovered.


They have not recoverd "in public". We never got around to that before the end of the last campaign.

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